First Sunday Market for Crumbleton Farm this weekend!

We are very excited to announce we will be selling our fabulous lamb to the public this Sunday at Penguin Indoor markets, Tasmania! This is a totally new experience for us as newbie farmers. We've had some difficulties along the way, such as finding a good abattoir where they treat our animals kindly and who return your own meat to you, not someone else's! Yes, sadly and frustratingly, this happens, especially when your meat is absolute top quality and tastes delicious.

Our sheep graze 100% on pasture or silage made from our pasture. We don't use pellets, grains or any other stuff, but train the sheep to eat a wide variety of things such as blackberry and blackwood, thistles etc. With 25+ species of grasses, legumes and herbs planted there is plenty of choice for them! We also give them access to sea water from time to time. Yes, sea water! They absolutely love it.

This week I've been designing our logo (see the pic) and organising jackets, shirts and caps with our logo, promotional materials and creating stickers for the packaged meat. You have to be super organised and do things properly!

Anyway, that's our news. If you're in the area of the markets, pop on over and say hi! And pick up your roast/sausages/mince/cutlets etc while you're at it.
