Why technology will NOT save our environment or our health

Our journey into a non-industrial form of agriculture has been challenging at many levels. Going against the flow when you have little or no experience would seem to be rather ridiculous, but can fighting the current of  'normality' actually help us thrive?  
Independent thinking?
Right from an early age we are conditioned to follow the crowd and develop our ‘group thinking’ in line with whatever is PC, for sale or fashionable at the time. Daring to think differently quickly gets you a negative label. I believe that this is what stops so many people from thinking and acting independently. The fear of being rejected by the ‘group’ is a very powerful tool used by those who have an agenda, for wanting to control what we do and think. Money always seems to be at the root of these agendas and the development of a new normal.  Money = power = control and unfortunately some people can never get enough of it, because they just can't stand the thought of independent thinking.
Follow the money
Whenever anyone presents me with a situation for consideration my first question is always Who makes money from this?  The truth can be very easily disguised and misrepresented but the flow of money will lead to the source of what is usually a lie. Ask yourself - who really makes the big $$$ from CO2, climate change, disease and ill health, renewable energy, sustainable products and worst of all our nutrient deficient food?

In our recent federal elections two of the main areas of concern of the electorate were made very clear: health and environment. However, NONE of our politicians really seem interested in a simple and cheap agricultural solution to both of these fundamental problems.

Our health and our food
Our health system is overloaded, primarily due to our diet. Forget the junk food etc. even our so called ‘healthy’ foods are making us sick. We are no longer getting the nutrient from any of our food that we used to prior to industrialised farming. Our meat, fruit and vegies have up to eight times less nutrient than they used to. Lack of nutrient is a major cause of disease and ill health, but no one will address this as the health and pharmaceutical industries make too much money from us being sick. It gets worse with chemicals, GM and Fake food products whose nutrient value and toxins make it even less healthy and which require far more industry and processing.  We now measure successful food production in quantity, shelf life and trans-portability, not QUALITY.
Green tech is killing the environment
The environment is another causality of cover-ups and lies. There is too much money, and votes, to be made producing the latest fad of renewable energy, electric cars, sustainable products and jargon. Big business is making big bucks from our collective guilt over the environment and politicians are laughing at how gullible we are in accepting their grandiose lies and schemes. Yes, we absolutely need to maintain and care for our environment. Something has obviously gone horribly wrong with the way we produce our food and care for the planet, but is the method we are being sold the answer? Unfortunately, the majority of people just accept what they are told for fear of going against the flow. Wind farms are a case in point. I just read in North QLD there are a number of wind farms being proposed which will cover over 70,000 hectares of land and more than 13,000 hectares of this will need to be cleared. That’s just the land needed to site these farms. What about all the mining and fossil fuel powered manufacturing to actually produce and maintain these windmills? Talk about carbon footprint! And worse, Koalas have just been listed as endangered and yet many of these farms are being proposed in their habitat. So, we’re saving the environment… how? Numerous other species of flora and fauna are also under threat in these locations. But that’s all right because its clean, green, renewable energy!!! 
As one scientist stated "You can have renewables or the environment but you can't have both." The cost to the environment of mining and manufacturing and maintaining these ‘green energy’ constructions is mind boggling. And hidden. Who's getting the money and the benefit of these initiatives? Not the environment!
Healthy soil = healthy people
What’s this got to do with agriculture and how can it rectify our health and our environment? We must return to our pre-industrial ways of farming. There are many catchy names that refer to this style of farming: Regenerative Agriculture, Bio-dynamic Farming, Agro-ecology etc, but they all have the same idea at heart. Make our soil healthy to make our food healthy to make us and our environment healthy. As we learn more about the complexities of nature we learn that it is nature we need to embrace to solve the problems we have created through our technological and industrial world. Technology will not save the environment and our health, good farming will. The decent production of our food is what will save our health and environment. There are many sources of this knowledge and I really encourage people to check out books, articles and videos of people like Walter Jehne, Christine Jones, Gabe Brown and Vandana Shiva. These are some of the people who have inspired us to change the way we thought and embrace a new methodology for producing our food.

