Ploughing & seeding and a 50's diner

A hot mess
The hot mess is the tractor. It's finally working! It was overheating all the time and we despaired of getting the fertiliser spread and the seed in the ground before winter. We've replaced filters and other bits but the most important was the radiator. Now its three times faster and much stronger. Driving a tractor is a bit hairy at times, I must say!

Our week with my BFF from NSW was over too quickly. We hardly had a chance to wander around the 100 acres. Admittedly, some of it is not easily accessible, but the weather played its part in keeping us indoors some days. Plus our goal of putting together the flat pack cupboards. But we did get to visit the lower Western paddocks and knock off some scotch thistles in the process. Always a good move. Hang on. Have to check the kitchen fire. Darn thing keeps going out today.

My lousy fire stoking skills notwithstanding, its quite pleasant inside today but the wind is cyclonic outside. Again. I am starting to wonder if it will be like this all winter... There have been severe weather warnings on the radio lately and some places hard hit. Here's hoping it's temporary.

New lambs!

We bought some more lambs on Sunday - Wilty Poll crosses and wilties. Some of them were a bit cranky, I must say! Perhaps they didn't enjoy the ride in the royal box - our horse float. At any rate they seem happy today, chomping away at the grass.

 Cruzin 50's Diner

On the way back home we dropped into a diner in Deloraine, a place called Cruzin in the 50's Diner. Fantastic place! So much to admire inside. A real collector's dream. Staff clad in 50's gear too. The menu was very nice. Quite a surprise find. Seems lots of people know about it because it was busy. I'm thinking it's a good place for a birthday party, down the track... It's amazing what you find when you're out and about.
