Flame Robins and Blue Wrens visit our garden!

It's about time I wrote something a bit more cheerful, don't you think? So I'm sharing a couple of photos of birds who frequent Crumbleton Manor's garden.

Flame Robin

Firstly, it took ages to identify this little one - a Flame Robin. Characteristically they stand quite upright and hold their wings below the level of their tail.

Blue Wren

We have gorgeous little Blue Wrens visit us most mornings, a couple of males and several females along with some juveniles.  They roost and hide in a very large bush which is possibly a quince.

The list of local birds that I've seen visit us in the first four weeks now stands as follows:
  1. Laughing Kookaburra
  2. Blue Wren
  3. Grey Butcherbird
  4. Blue Winged Rosella
  5. Magpie
  6. Grey Cuckoo Shrike
  7. Forest Raven
  8. Sulpher Crested Cockatoo
  9. Tasmanian Thornbill
  10. Swift
  11. Eagle (not sure which)
  12. House Sparrow
  13. Common Starling
  14. Yellow-tipped Pardalote
Yellow-tipped Pardalote
My photo of the Yellow-tipped Pardalote is unfortunately very blurry - they move too quickly!According to Wikipedia, The yellow-tipped pardalote (subspecies striatus) is found mainly in Tasmania, but crosses the 200 miles of Bass Strait to the mainland each winter in a migration. That's quite a distance for such a small bird! But when I think about it, we migrated a great distance too, from Blue Mountains NSW to Northern Tasmania. And we'll be wintering here.
